View Full Version : Number plate and insurance may be coming for U.K. bike riders

08-19-2022, 04:05 PM
My GT aggressor expert 2021

https://i.postimg.cc/jS7k33ND/39-FFDE34-AE7-E-4351-8-D7-E-0-B2889-E525-B5.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

A British government minister has been given the task of endorsing and creating plans to introduce number plates and insurance for all bike riders.

Surely this can’t be happening?

Big Dummy
08-19-2022, 04:09 PM
Freedom isn’t free, nor is a bankrupt socialist system. Pick the better one and pay up.

08-19-2022, 04:23 PM
Freedom isn’t free, nor is a bankrupt socialist system. Pick the better one and pay up.
The idea is flawed, how can an insurance company gauge what experience and safety history a bike rider has to give an insurance quote?
A cross the board charge for all would be better, the insurance scam is just to put a name and address on the bike rider, I’m against this red tape.

08-19-2022, 04:32 PM
Sorry I should have posted this link


08-19-2022, 04:35 PM
That's not fair....you aren't paying for MOT stickers yet?

08-19-2022, 04:37 PM
That's not fair....you aren't paying for MOT stickers yet?
It will make insurance companies froth at the mouth at this prospective financial windfall they (will) might be getting.

renaissance man
08-19-2022, 04:38 PM
My GT aggressor expert 2021

https://i.postimg.cc/jS7k33ND/39-FFDE34-AE7-E-4351-8-D7-E-0-B2889-E525-B5.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

A British government minister has been given the task of endorsing and creating plans to introduce number plates and insurance for all bike riders.

Surely this can’t be happening?

How about skateboards?

08-19-2022, 04:41 PM
Petrol cars will soon be obsolete. Most of us can't afford those EVs, so bicycles it is for us! Sounds like UK is prepared and getting ready.


Better remember where you parked!

There is an interesting side note to using bicycles for commuting that I saw firsthand while working in China. Let's say your commute to work now, with an auto, is 30 minutes. How long is that commute on a bicycle? With your morning coffee or tea, can you make it that long without a potty stop? I saw a whole lotta Chinamen using those landscape bushes along the road to block the view. Talk about a public hazard!

08-19-2022, 04:51 PM
In this dystopian future, how long until individual people will be required to wear an identifying number on their clothes to even be permitted to walk around outside?

08-19-2022, 05:14 PM
The idea is flawed, how can an insurance company gauge what experience and safety history a bike rider has to give an insurance quote?
A cross the board charge for all would be better, the insurance scam is just to put a name and address on the bike rider, I’m against this red tape.


Soon one will have to take a written and riding test, and pay the fee for that!

08-19-2022, 05:19 PM

Soon one will have to take a written and riding test, and pay the fee for that!
Nope…. Eye scanning technology like this is the future


08-19-2022, 05:39 PM
Is this legal if you are riding through Royal Parks?

I used to live in Notting Hill and cycle to Knightsbridge for work across Hyde Park.

I suppose the common roads of The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea I used might get me if I still lived there.

08-19-2022, 05:43 PM
The idea is flawed, how can an insurance company gauge what experience and safety history a bike rider has to give an insurance quote?
A cross the board charge for all would be better, the insurance scam is just to put a name and address on the bike rider, I’m against this red tape.
Cyclists have a powerful lobby and the government has bent over backwards to accommodate them. We are now in a position where you can be prosecuted for getting closer to a bike than 6 feet, which means bikes can now hold the traffic up with the backing of the law, yet at the same time many cyclists behave dangerously on the road, including riding on paths and jumping red lights. There has also been cases of pedestrians being seriously injured and killed by reckless cyclists. Its another example of socialist rights without responsibilities. It time cyclists were made accountable and made to obey the same traffic laws as other people, and to have the same insurance cover to compensate other people when they are at fault.

08-19-2022, 05:46 PM
Is this legal if you are riding through Royal Parks?

I used to live in Notting Hill and cycle to Knightsbridge for work across Hyde Park.

I suppose the common roads of The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea I used might get me if I still lived there.
If I was Thames valley plod I’d make you my special interest. :smiley_ROFLMAO:

08-19-2022, 05:59 PM
If I was Thames valley plod I’d make you my special interest. :smiley_ROFLMAO:
The Special Interest Groups will be made up of the latter day Mary Poppinses of SW7 and SW3 trying to get supplies from Brompton Road and being told that their brooms need plates!

08-19-2022, 06:15 PM
you have to have a license to watch tv there, so this does not surprise me...

Under UK law, you and anyone living at your address must be covered by a TV Licence to:

watch or record programmes in the UK – broadcast from anywhere in the world – as they’re being shown on TV or live on an online TV service
watch or stream programmes live on an online TV service (such as ITV Hub, All 4, YouTube, Amazon Prime Video, Now TV, Sky Go, etc.)
download or watch any BBC programmes on BBC iPlayer.

Moving to the UK? - TV Licensing ™ (https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=266cfb5a8f7fe7a9JmltdHM9MTY2MDk1MDkxNyZpZ3VpZD1i ZGQyMDYxOC04N2E4LTRmZGMtODAwNS0wZGY5M2QxNmFiMzUmaW 5zaWQ9NTM5MA&ptn=3&hsh=3&fclid=c97c0765-2014-11ed-8d08-5be2550c697a&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudHZsaWNlbnNpbmcuY28udWsvbW92aW 5nLXRvLXVrLXRpcHMjOn46dGV4dD1VbmRlciUyMFVLJTIwbGF3 JTJDJTIweW91JTIwYW5kJTIwYW55b25lJTIwbGl2aW5nJTIwYX Qsb3IlMjB3YXRjaCUyMGFueSUyMEJCQyUyMHByb2dyYW1tZXMl MjBvbiUyMEJCQyUyMGlQbGF5ZXIu&ntb=1)
https://thepoliticsforums.com/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABgAAAAYCAYAAAD gdz34AAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJc EhZcwAADsIAAA7CARUoSoAAAAcfSURBVEhLdVZtV1TXFZ6mrVF g3mfuvfPCzNy5984AMwwzOKDAgIoI6ECgUURiQIEEgRFIEFerR Et8WcYkplVs0hBT0QAxq6SktitNzeoy1tQmawZN29XWb139H3f v030GbPqlH846Z2adu1+evZ9nH0P15uRCZTz+MBQKZTVVy9Ke0 zQty9f/O2shLRfS+H0lq3jcOdXvy8a3pLKtB0dy+6cuZLtePptNdx9+mE rVLxoqorF/xKLlTJGDKPsDSDsLBmRcX/n/VVlBJagyJaisn4NM9vnQ7xJQ9npY5dbt2JE5jSOzK2zk6ifY9f J5bEzvY/GK+GODFlRXuSG35NJdoqTTDnz/37PkFHTBZgNauksQ6LcTHBaTLtitetnmGmgfP6dPLDzQpz7+Bp 4/f12vbevRSyMxpgQCDw2aqmYpciYJoi44nEA7ik4ByCgtESVBAN FuA7vZiHaTEQSrBeymInTYLFBSScZfOo9jS1/B5PIj2D99FSvqm8Hr8ep+j5upciBn4NhyWHi03Djt/IwUOZITOkvoJ5i0aJxpkTjSx+i0mJhWFsO2zAxOLH7Njn38DXZ NX8ZYTSNzms1oK9wIHLpSTVs18KJxiFwSwSKIQAvXd3DarOh2u yFW2wgtg1O4a2ASyijqoFaKjT3DkHn/Lkwt/xW7T71Nd3YAQYa2okKQ7HZdkWVWoqq5dQeUgejSRQ6Hw4Gi3Q4 cJoIEPZ5iqOvohYGfLuPAlRWo3zsAqc5DeOjSLTi2zDGfxwTBI jrsYDMWoEBw8mBVaoS8Aw6RGlQYQUJY540z0eFEKiilWsC8Xi9 u6xrEoXc/ZWM37+O+E5fxubPvs4kP/4wDl3+FtR0HqX5OtBQ+TcatTCJoCVagArOwpq4aQpSBQhBRZ+g uqkO4ogrLt+4AfzAEtqIC9BBEdZ29cPjSLRxffAAjc3dg7MZ9z MzfhWcmzkKysR3VsnKKOt8M+abgGXDYQ6pGEBG5Al4vRW3XtUg Cdh85iV0nZqGysZ06p4g+cEJNew/0vb6EU8t/geMrf4PM/BfYPfNz2Nk7BumRU5geOQ2lVBvBZlmDSBTXHYS4AzXnk5zM7XL D1nQPvjD7CRt+9/dY0/YckgNy7KBzDx5680P2w9v/xB/dfoy9F26yhr39WJM+gAfPz7PhuTvYsG+QdxhzmE0oUbtz2MNam LpIkbPFopMFQxE9nTkDmRv3sO+NJaioawLzxg35lFOdfTB4ZQV P3vkXFfYR7Bk6iWpJFEoSW6BrejYPXefkRQjHkmg3FhFXrFRkh ZVolAGRIetzuVg0Wa8fODMHw+99jm2jMxBQw1D4lIHzAihaGJ7 7DKfv/BuG3vkUtrTuQ3tRAYiiALv6J3H02ufw/IV5SGxvRZupkFhuzjvIQ0TVzgWIdfH6Fui7uIgvXL3NtnW/yPsfi75rYC6Xi6Doxr6LC4wMYfvRVzFcnmCmDU9RzxdgXWcfG7 y8goffvIXVrXuZjbPcbAZNUdcgUgL+rN9NDlLNeu/FRXjx6m9w+4Fh4N1j3vAdYrQI0ao62HFgCJt6x6Gitgm8bg9aN j0NTpKN1LP9PCjof+sjqG5+Ng+R02TWSRjXMlBlqoFLYmWba/X9p9+B9ShBVjWwbPoe6ZKdawv4SF1pARGSG6boN4HXW0wMP46j 1+9ykYNEqgVtRiM4LZZvHVAqOa8oMI757iMncGz+Ljt86SNMbG slcStk1sINPKr8mYySgQI0b/w+o98YqW5YI93Cn7Bj4hyGIwlmNxo5SUF9ApGmqVRkkZgs6sld HTxVfOnW19Ax+Tqp5VZ0Wk1EuE3gICe0uByAg/ihRSpg9+gpOHrjjzj09m+hlrjikdyEvwUkh4O0KLieATmQfcWM 0tb9sgItA1NIH8H4wgP4wfE3MLF9N/iCKnBV5R3ll1WI1TVh2/gZGJ3/ghzcx/TRGVBLy8FB2sV1jM+Q/xLtiVwLNis4iSSl8WrWNvpjzPziDzix9BUjTpCxV3HnoTG2s28 c06Mz2PvaB2xs4QEeJW3qPPYai1SnkJQgL+Mk8flAuM01iGjgB ElauRY5zFQgKmAomoDm/kno/8kvMfPBl5C5eQ+OzP0Oh977DEav34Oxm1/i4JVfw57hVyCSrOMiR71vBJFET6RpJxHcfIiRDFEXPRmZXK7Ji WA1k6ZY9YAa0pNNz/DC6/unZ/Wec9fg4NlrevcrP9P3DE9DVcteXQmX6hLJNE05GqMOEkspb5wy yEOkKcpDQywa+/va0KdhLsvIZdbvdWOxJNDQ97FoRSVWNTRhza52RgurG5qxPJGk +wH00R2/20WPhAA9BuhbQkL28z2I3GYsGn1sSCaTi5WJxCOuG3xAhLXQav 6Josj0HClelb0uYrqQC0jiql8UcrLblQt6pFXV76U7So4KuUpP mG+/JVhKtJJcgmxWJZNL/wFD+rP1lPYvlQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==
Moving to the UK? (http://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/moving-to-uk-tips)

08-19-2022, 06:29 PM
you have to have a license to watch tv there, so this does not surprise me...

Under UK law, you and anyone living at your address must be covered by a TV Licence to:

watch or record programmes in the UK – broadcast from anywhere in the world – as they’re being shown on TV or live on an online TV service
watch or stream programmes live on an online TV service (such as ITV Hub, All 4, YouTube, Amazon Prime Video, Now TV, Sky Go, etc.)
download or watch any BBC programmes on BBC iPlayer.

Moving to the UK? - TV Licensing ™ (https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=266cfb5a8f7fe7a9JmltdHM9MTY2MDk1MDkxNyZpZ3VpZD1i ZGQyMDYxOC04N2E4LTRmZGMtODAwNS0wZGY5M2QxNmFiMzUmaW 5zaWQ9NTM5MA&ptn=3&hsh=3&fclid=c97c0765-2014-11ed-8d08-5be2550c697a&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudHZsaWNlbnNpbmcuY28udWsvbW92aW 5nLXRvLXVrLXRpcHMjOn46dGV4dD1VbmRlciUyMFVLJTIwbGF3 JTJDJTIweW91JTIwYW5kJTIwYW55b25lJTIwbGl2aW5nJTIwYX Qsb3IlMjB3YXRjaCUyMGFueSUyMEJCQyUyMHByb2dyYW1tZXMl MjBvbiUyMEJCQyUyMGlQbGF5ZXIu&ntb=1)

https://thepoliticsforums.com/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABgAAAAYCAYAAAD gdz34AAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJc EhZcwAADsIAAA7CARUoSoAAAAcfSURBVEhLdVZtV1TXFZ6mrVF g3mfuvfPCzNy5984AMwwzOKDAgIoI6ECgUURiQIEEgRFIEFerR Et8WcYkplVs0hBT0QAxq6SktitNzeoy1tQmawZN29XWb139H3f v030GbPqlH846Z2adu1+evZ9nH0P15uRCZTz+MBQKZTVVy9Ke0 zQty9f/O2shLRfS+H0lq3jcOdXvy8a3pLKtB0dy+6cuZLtePptNdx9+mE rVLxoqorF/xKLlTJGDKPsDSDsLBmRcX/n/VVlBJagyJaisn4NM9vnQ7xJQ9npY5dbt2JE5jSOzK2zk6ifY9f J5bEzvY/GK+GODFlRXuSG35NJdoqTTDnz/37PkFHTBZgNauksQ6LcTHBaTLtitetnmGmgfP6dPLDzQpz7+Bp 4/f12vbevRSyMxpgQCDw2aqmYpciYJoi44nEA7ik4ByCgtESVBAN FuA7vZiHaTEQSrBeymInTYLFBSScZfOo9jS1/B5PIj2D99FSvqm8Hr8ep+j5upciBn4NhyWHi03Djt/IwUOZITOkvoJ5i0aJxpkTjSx+i0mJhWFsO2zAxOLH7Njn38DXZ NX8ZYTSNzms1oK9wIHLpSTVs18KJxiFwSwSKIQAvXd3DarOh2u yFW2wgtg1O4a2ASyijqoFaKjT3DkHn/Lkwt/xW7T71Nd3YAQYa2okKQ7HZdkWVWoqq5dQeUgejSRQ6Hw4Gi3Q4 cJoIEPZ5iqOvohYGfLuPAlRWo3zsAqc5DeOjSLTi2zDGfxwTBI jrsYDMWoEBw8mBVaoS8Aw6RGlQYQUJY540z0eFEKiilWsC8Xi9 u6xrEoXc/ZWM37+O+E5fxubPvs4kP/4wDl3+FtR0HqX5OtBQ+TcatTCJoCVagArOwpq4aQpSBQhBRZ+g uqkO4ogrLt+4AfzAEtqIC9BBEdZ29cPjSLRxffAAjc3dg7MZ9z MzfhWcmzkKysR3VsnKKOt8M+abgGXDYQ6pGEBG5Al4vRW3XtUg Cdh85iV0nZqGysZ06p4g+cEJNew/0vb6EU8t/geMrf4PM/BfYPfNz2Nk7BumRU5geOQ2lVBvBZlmDSBTXHYS4AzXnk5zM7XL D1nQPvjD7CRt+9/dY0/YckgNy7KBzDx5680P2w9v/xB/dfoy9F26yhr39WJM+gAfPz7PhuTvYsG+QdxhzmE0oUbtz2MNam LpIkbPFopMFQxE9nTkDmRv3sO+NJaioawLzxg35lFOdfTB4ZQV P3vkXFfYR7Bk6iWpJFEoSW6BrejYPXefkRQjHkmg3FhFXrFRkh ZVolAGRIetzuVg0Wa8fODMHw+99jm2jMxBQw1D4lIHzAihaGJ7 7DKfv/BuG3vkUtrTuQ3tRAYiiALv6J3H02ufw/IV5SGxvRZupkFhuzjvIQ0TVzgWIdfH6Fui7uIgvXL3NtnW/yPsfi75rYC6Xi6Doxr6LC4wMYfvRVzFcnmCmDU9RzxdgXWcfG7 y8goffvIXVrXuZjbPcbAZNUdcgUgL+rN9NDlLNeu/FRXjx6m9w+4Fh4N1j3vAdYrQI0ao62HFgCJt6x6Gitgm8bg9aN j0NTpKN1LP9PCjof+sjqG5+Ng+R02TWSRjXMlBlqoFLYmWba/X9p9+B9ShBVjWwbPoe6ZKdawv4SF1pARGSG6boN4HXW0wMP46j 1+9ykYNEqgVtRiM4LZZvHVAqOa8oMI757iMncGz+Ljt86SNMbG slcStk1sINPKr8mYySgQI0b/w+o98YqW5YI93Cn7Bj4hyGIwlmNxo5SUF9ApGmqVRkkZgs6sld HTxVfOnW19Ax+Tqp5VZ0Wk1EuE3gICe0uByAg/ihRSpg9+gpOHrjjzj09m+hlrjikdyEvwUkh4O0KLieATmQfcWM 0tb9sgItA1NIH8H4wgP4wfE3MLF9N/iCKnBV5R3ll1WI1TVh2/gZGJ3/ghzcx/TRGVBLy8FB2sV1jM+Q/xLtiVwLNis4iSSl8WrWNvpjzPziDzix9BUjTpCxV3HnoTG2s28 c06Mz2PvaB2xs4QEeJW3qPPYai1SnkJQgL+Mk8flAuM01iGjgB ElauRY5zFQgKmAomoDm/kno/8kvMfPBl5C5eQ+OzP0Oh977DEav34Oxm1/i4JVfw57hVyCSrOMiR71vBJFET6RpJxHcfIiRDFEXPRmZXK7Ji WA1k6ZY9YAa0pNNz/DC6/unZ/Wec9fg4NlrevcrP9P3DE9DVcteXQmX6hLJNE05GqMOEkspb5wy yEOkKcpDQywa+/va0KdhLsvIZdbvdWOxJNDQ97FoRSVWNTRhza52RgurG5qxPJGk +wH00R2/20WPhAA9BuhbQkL28z2I3GYsGn1sSCaTi5WJxCOuG3xAhLXQav 6Josj0HClelb0uYrqQC0jiql8UcrLblQt6pFXV76U7So4KuUpP mG+/JVhKtJJcgmxWJZNL/wFD+rP1lPYvlQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==
Moving to the UK? (http://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/moving-to-uk-tips)

Yes! This is true. The licence is solely to keep the Lord Lew Grades of this world in Cuban cigars, luxury fitted offices, luxury cars, big houses in the country and big tittied blonde trophy wives.

08-19-2022, 07:10 PM
In this dystopian future, how long until individual people will be required to wear an identifying number on their clothes to even be permitted to walk around outside?

A chip.

The Mark of the Beast.

08-19-2022, 08:37 PM
In this dystopian future, how long until individual people will be required to wear an identifying number on their clothes to even be permitted to walk around outside?

like a state issued i.d. you have to have with you?

08-19-2022, 08:39 PM
Yes! This is true. The licence is solely to keep the Lord Lew Grades of this world in Cuban cigars, luxury fitted offices, luxury cars, big houses in the country and big tittied blonde trophy wives.

its to pay for the left/prog government propaganda bbc machine to keep reminding you that "diversity is our strength"...

08-19-2022, 11:19 PM
At least the B.B.C. made the 1995 Pride and Prejudice with no gays or Darcy being closet.

08-20-2022, 01:55 AM
Its another example of socialist rights without responsibilities. It time cyclists were made accountable and made to obey the same traffic laws as other people, and to have the same insurance cover to compensate other people when they are at fault.
You are totally right about rights without responsibilities. (Probably another long topic)
But enforcing traffic laws does not require license plates.

I also disagree about insurance. The liability caused by bicycles is going to be far lower than that for a larger vehicle. It would be absurd if bicycle riders were required to have insurance.

08-20-2022, 02:10 AM
It will fail after the first 5 million bike thefts - in one week .... just a thought?
I favour it in principle.

08-20-2022, 04:07 AM
It will fail after the first 5 million bike thefts - in one week .... just a thought?
I favour it in principle.

That’s something I didn’t think about…:thumbsup20:

08-20-2022, 04:09 AM
its to pay for the left/prog government propaganda bbc machine to keep reminding you that "diversity is our strength"...
We don’t watch much terrestrial TV anymore, like you posted, it’s propaganda!

mr claws
08-20-2022, 05:16 AM
Sounds vaguely familiar... Taxman - The Beatles - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAWugfIKyWA)

08-20-2022, 05:26 AM
Is this legal if you are riding through Royal Parks?

I used to live in Notting Hill and cycle to Knightsbridge for work across Hyde Park.

I suppose the common roads of The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea I used might get me if I still lived there.

Cycling is allowed on all roads and some specially designated cycle routes within the parks - the only exception is Primrose Hill.

08-20-2022, 05:36 AM
We don’t watch much terrestrial TV anymore, like you posted, it’s propaganda!

I watch UK Freesat mainly, i have a 2 meter satellite dish on the roof pointed at Astra 2E 28.2 degrees East. Its all mainly repeats and american shows, but then whats the alternative, the constant tsunami of woke bollox from Uk terrestial TV.

Some of the stuff is mildy entertaining and amusing, Judge Judy, Swamp People, Gold Divers, Pawn Stars, Storage Wars and other such variations on a theme, Plus you get some UK TV like Traffic Cops, Night Cops etc. I like those because I like to watch how the police operate, know thy enemy sort of thing. Plus there´s Talking Pictures, lots of old movies and Film4, and Sky Arts ' they do Portrait Artist of the Year and Landscape Artist of the year. I also use an andriod box, a Mecool 8s and various streamers like Redbox. and a paid for service i can turn on and off monthy, TVMucho

08-20-2022, 09:55 AM
We don’t watch much terrestrial TV anymore, like you posted, it’s propaganda!

i like british sitcoms and some of your well done dramas, etc., which i can watch, for free off my antenna.

one difference and perhaps why you guys are charged, your stuff is ad free...here, the advertisers pay the cost.

ours is, on a typical 1 hour prog., 30 min. of ads, 30 min. of show.

thats why the remote was invented.